Saturday, May 10, 2008

She Doesn't Know what Happens when She's Around

Think I'm in love but it makes me kinda nervous to say so...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

RULE against PerPOOPIES ?

Sitting in the library pondering life, wondering why I am even here because man property is a pain.

Fee Simple Absolute is so confusing because because if it's if it's a fee and it's absolute how can it be simple? And if it's confusing, how can it be simple?

A red pen. A RED PEN. Pending absolution. Absolve. Absolute. Fee simple absolute. Oh MY GOD I GOT IT.
She is fee simple absoluting my ties. See?

Do you guys DELIVER? Red Pen RED pen.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Photo Shoot

Dear Blog Readers,
Since I had such a rough day yesterday trying to figure out eminent domain, I decided to take the day off and get some professional engagement pictures taken. Now, it might seem a bit odd, since I am not a party to the engagement. However, I felt that it was necessary for me to have my picture taken with Kirby and Topper (sister and brother). Kirby is getting married (about time, she IS pregnant already). Her husband-to-be was working at the salt mine today, and could not make it to the photo-shoot. However, I feel rested, relaxed, and stress-free. No class can really do that for you. Now I might have to study a little extra hard about res judicata, but I think I have it mostly down. (Res judicata: precluding a person from committing the same crime more than once. If they commit the same crime again, they will go to jail for twice as long, and get their throat sliced - not enough to die, just hurts a lot).
Here are the pictures. Enjoy! I know I did!Kirby and me, looking presh
Feeling the babiesThe tiny nostril
The one claw
Bonding over brain waves

Tea, Crackers, Biscuits, What more!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

That time again

Blog readers,
For those of you that did not know, I am a first year law student. Being that it's late April, I figure you can all guess that I am inundated with work.

Here is a synopsis of my bellyaches:
1. property: eminent domain? I can't even figure out what these two words mean when they are put together. Eminent means outstanding and famous. Domain is an area or territory controlled by the government. So the best I can figure is that when the government wants to take a famous and outstanding piece of property, they just start the proceedings. But they have to pay just compensation.
2. Civil Procedure: how can something so awful be so civil?
2.5: Largesse: what does this word mean. Did I make it up?
3. Legislative Process: as a proponent of the trustee theory, I cannot say much about this topic.
4. Legal Writing: I have never been so sure of something in my life, which is to say, IT IS CERTAINLY AND UNQUESTIONABLY TESTIMONIAL.

So, suffice to say, my roommates have been helping me study.
It's true what they say about friends (and roommates as friends!)! You try to study but it turns into a fun party! (evidenced above)

Now, please don't worry. My life is not all study, study, study. I do get to have fun every once in awhile (see above, and below)These are my friend Carolyn's roommates. Their names are Topper and Kirby. We have become really fast friends.

Here is a nice picture to end on:

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Dear Blog Readers:
I hope that you will forgive me for my extended absence. Truthfully, I have been trying to find a way to post this exciting news for some time now. Last weekend I went to a party and the above picture is what occurred. It was probably the most rewarding, wonderful, and amazing thing that has ever happened to me. My friend Carolyn and Jennifer were there, as well as our significant others (Matt, Topper, and John, respectively).
Also, Carolyn has a new roommate (see picture below).

Her name is Kirby and she comes from France and speaks an odd dialect of French. Anyway, welcome Kirby into our lives.
Lots of love, and fun things have been happening lately and I am blessed, just blessed.

Monday, January 28, 2008

I can't believe it

More good news! Inspired by a recent blog post, my friend Jennifer decided to find love for herself. This lucky lady sent me this picture of her and her new significant other glamming it up last weekend. You can see the love in their eyes! What an exciting week for everyone I know!

a diversion

Well, readers, I am diverging from my normal posts because I wanted to share something that I thought was important. One of my friends, Carolyn, has found true love. The kind of love you only read about in books or see in movies. It is really an amazing thing. Recently she got back from Paris, the city of AMORE, with her new boyfriend. I thought I'd share a picture with my readers in hopes of inspiring others to go out and find their true loves!
They really are a sweet couple aren't they?

And so as not to lose our focus:

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

the powers went out and we was scared!

Friday, January 11, 2008

"we smell fringe benefits!" - kiki and dex
PS - Jen why is SPANKS in the right bottom corner?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

just finished my exercises, fuh fuh fump.

chillin like villians

chillin to the max
is our style
just kiki and dex
in a big pile
my roommates got flava
more than their neighba
woot aren't you jealous